Veljo Tormis (1930-2017) oli üks Eesti 20. sajandi teise poole olulisemaid heliloojaid. Tema aktiivseim loomeperiood jäi Nõukogude aega. Alates 1960. aastast andis Tormis, nagu teisedki tollased heliloojad, oma lõpetatud ja võimude poolt heakskiidetud heliteoste originaalkäsikirjad üle Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumile. Need käsikirjad ja hiljem, pärast Eesti taasiseseisvumist annetatud käsikirjad moodustavad tänapäeval Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseumis suure käsikirjade kollektsiooni, milles on sadade tema erinevate heliteoste originaalid. Need võimaldavad ülevaadet Tormise tööst ja pärandist, sealhulgas tema kokkupuuteid Nõukogude tsensuuriga ja näiteid loomeinimeste absurdsetest töötingimustest.
Tallinn Müürivahe 12, Estonia 10146
The VONS collection of Libri Prohibiti comprises of documents created by VONS – the Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted. The basis of the VONS collection is the archive of this organisation created mainly at the end of the 1970s and in the first half of the 1980s.
Senovážné nám. 2, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
The Collection of The Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted (VONS) contains mainly numbered published materials called ‘Communications’ (Sdělení), which were prepared by the members of VONS in which they described cases of individuals or groups, who had been prosecuted or imprisoned because of their opinions.
Na Zátorách 6, 170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice, Czech Republic
Vaclovas Aliulis (1921-2015) was a Lithuanian Catholic priest. During Soviet times he participated actively in underground catechisation, and was a lecturer with the Underground Catholic Seminary, which was established to train priests for Catholic parishes in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and other Soviet republics. Aliulis is the author of a number of books and other publications; and during the times of Sąjūdis (the Lithuanian national movement), he was the initiator and organiser of Catholic publishing. He started to collaborate with the Lithuanian Central State Archives from 2003, transferring files from his private papers to the state archives. The documents in the collection show the situation of the Catholic Church and the community of believers in Soviet Lithuania, and Soviet policy on religion.
10102 Vilnius O. Milašiaus gatvė 19 , Lithuania
Vanda Zaborskaitė (1922-2010) was a professor of Lithuanian literature. In 1961, she was dismissed from her position as a lecturer at Vilnius University because of her 'nationalism'. After that, she found a position at the Lithuanian Institute of History. While she had other research topics at the institute, she also worked on Lithuanian literature, researching a very disapproved of topic at the time, the work and activities of the Lithuanian poet Jonas Mačiulis-Maironis (1862-1932). Maironis was a Catholic priest, who used strong patriotic and nationalist expression in his works, and the Soviet regime had to consider how to interpret his legacy, what parts of his work should be available to society, and what should be seen as religious.
10308 Vilnius Antakalnio gatvė 6 , Lithuania