filtrid ˆ

Polish Underground Library at Libri Prohibiti

The Polish Underground Library was set up in 2009 in collaboration with the The Karta Center Foundation in Warsaw. It is comprised of Polish underground and exile publications, Polish flyers, posters, sound and visual recordings that are part of the Libri Prohibiti’s collections.



  • Poola


Kogu nimetus

  • Polish Underground Library in Prague

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus

  • The Polish Underground Library contains Polish underground and exile publications, Polish flyers, posters, sound and visual recordings from 1970–1989 that are part of the Libri Prohibiti’s collection. Thus, this collection portrays the history of the Polish underground activities of the 1970s and 1980s.


  • heli-salvestused: 10-99
  • mälestusesemed (posterid, flaierid, margid, jne.): teadmata hulk
  • publikatsioonid: 1000-
  • video-salvestused: 10-99

Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • rahvusvaheline


  • 2009

Asutamise koht


  • avalikkusele täiesti avatud


  • Štogrová, Jarmila, Dorota Müllerová, and Zita Chalupová, eds. 2010. Česko-polská literatura v samizdatu a druhém oběhu: studie a rozhovory s překladateli. Praha: Libri prohibiti.

Lehekülje autorid

  • Kůželová, Michaela

viidete nimekiri

Gruntorád, Jiří. 2002. “Libri prohibiti – poučné ohlédnutí za neradostnou minulostí.“ Dějiny a současnost 24, No. 5: 41–43.

Český rozhlas. 2014. “Libri prohibiti.” Last modified October 8.

Libri Prohibiti. 2017. “Annual Report 2016.” Accessed May 15.

Gruntorád, Jiří. 2014. “Vznik knihovny Libri prohibiti.” Last modified December 5.

Libri Prohibiti. 2017. Accessed February 24.

Gruntorád, Jiří , interview by Kůželová, Michaela, February 01, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-06 20:07:14