filtrid ˆ

Kolekcja Fotograficzna Europejskiego Centrum Solidarności

Photographic collection of European Solidarity Centre documents the most important political events from the 1970s and 1980s in Northern Poland. They are a testimonial of suppression, fight and victory, but they also tell little histories: of alternative lifestyles and artistic sensibility. The still-growing archive resources contain over 63.000 items.



  • Poola

Kogu nimetus

  • Photographic Collection of European Solidarity Centre

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus


  • fotod: 1000-

Kogumiku osalusomanik(ud)

Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • regionaalne


  • 2008

Asutamise koht


  • osaliselt avalikkusele suletud

Võrgustiku osa

Lehekülje autorid

  • Tołłoczko-Suchańska, Barbara

viidete nimekiri

Krzencessa-Ropiak, Monika , interview by Tołłoczko-Suchańska, Barbara, April 24, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-18 22:24:21