filtrid ˆ

Jugoslovenski informbiroovci u Pragu

This private collection consists of around 150 leaflets produced by Yugoslav Cominformist emigrants in Prague during the period 1971–76.  It is owned by the historian Ondřej Vojtěchovský and it is located in his apartment in Prague. The significance of this collection lies in its analysis and criticism of the Yugoslav socialist regime from the radical leftist point of view by emigrants in an Eastern Bloc country.



  • Horvaadi

Kogu nimetus

  • Yugoslav Cominformists in Prague Collection

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus


  • kirjandust (arhiividokumendid, brošüürid, bülletäänid, lendlehed, aruanded, toimikud, registrid, tegevusega seotud paberid, koosolekute protokollid): 100-499


Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • diasporaa


Asutamise koht



  • kasutamine kokkuleppel

Lehekülje autorid

  • Krstić Draško, Marija

viidete nimekiri

Vojtěchovský, Ondřej. 2016. Iz Praga protiv Tita!: Jugoslovenska informbiroovska emigracija u Čehoslovačkoj. Zagreb: srednja europa.

Vojtěchovský, Ondřej, interview by Nießer, Jacqueline, December 14, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-06 20:08:30