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Periodical Auseklis Collection

The periodical Auseklis (Morning Star) was a samizdat magazine published in 1987-1988 by the human rights group Helsinki-86, and was the first independent periodical in Soviet Latvia. It was distributed by volunteers outside official distribution networks.



  • Läti

Kogu nimetus

  • Donation of Vaira Strautniece.

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus

  • The collection consists of photographic copies of five issues of the samizdat magazine Auseklis (Morning Star) (No 1, September 1987; No 2/3, October-November 1987; No 4, January 1988; No 5, April 1988). The periodical was a significant step towards the resumption of freedom of speech in Latvia.


  • kirjandust (arhiividokumendid, brošüürid, bülletäänid, lendlehed, aruanded, toimikud, registrid, tegevusega seotud paberid, koosolekute protokollid): 0-9

Kogumiku osalusomanik(ud)


  • 1987

Asutamise koht


  • kasutamine kokkuleppel

Võrgustiku osa

viidete nimekiri

Kokneviča, Taiga , interview by Bleiere, Daina , October 27, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-06 19:55:49