Brejnik, Edward
Edward Brejnik was the first person employed in the Archive in the very beginning of its functioning. It was his duty to gather all the documents dispersed in the "Solidarity" Trade Union's offices in one place. He started to organise the Archive in two small rooms, completely unfit to this purpose, and then he was able to negociate gradual improvement of Archive's working conditions. Brejnik worked on networking all the institutions and archives that disposed materials from 1980's in order to gather all the materials about the "Solidarity" Trade Union. His work was later continued by Stanisław Flis and other employees of the Archive.
viidete nimekiri
Grochowski, Łukasz, interview by Gospodarczyk, Hanna , July 05, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2017-12-16 12:34:19