City District Prague 6
Prague 6 is one of the 22 administrative districts and 57 self-governing city district of the Capital City of Prague. Prague 6 consists of the whole cadastral territories of Dejvice, Liboc, Ruzyně, Střešovice, Veleslavín and Vokovice and parts of cadastral territories of Břevnov, Bubeneč, Sedlec and Hradčany. It is located in the north west of the metropole. It has approximately 104,000 inhabitants.
Československé armády 23, 160 52 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Näita asukohta
- 1960
Grupi akronüüm
- P6
Organisatsiooni tüüp
- Muu
Operatsiooni tüüp
- Valitsuse- või riigiasutus
Lehekülje autorid
- Bárta, Jan
2018-12-03 18:48:15