filtrid ˆ

Donation of Pavao Tijan Papers to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2006

The contract was filed in the Archives in the urgent records under reg. no. 10-22 / 58-2006. In 2004, Maria Wieck Tijan Luetich decided to turn over the legacy of her father Pavao Tijan to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in which the archive was stored in 2006. The processing of the collection began in that year, and was finally completed in 2009.


Sündmuse algusaasta

  • 2004

Lehekülje autorid

  • Kljaić, Stipe

Seotud sündmus

viidete nimekiri

Vuković, Marinko, interview by Kljaić, Stipe , May 15, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2018-08-20 21:22:29