filtrid ˆ

C.A.D.D.Y. Bulletin Collection


  • Institute for Contemporary History (Institut za Savremenu Istoriju)

    Beograd Trg Nikole Pašića 11 , Serbien
    Näita asukohta


  • Inglise

Kogu nimetus

  • Bulletin of the Committee to Aid Democratic Dissidents in Yugoslavia

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus


  • kirjandust (arhiividokumendid, brošüürid, bülletäänid, lendlehed, aruanded, toimikud, registrid, tegevusega seotud paberid, koosolekute protokollid): 100-499



Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • rahvusvaheline

Asutamise koht



  • kasutamine kokkuleppel

Lehekülje autorid

  • Krstić Draško, Marija

viidete nimekiri

Bogdanović, Mira. 2009. "Yugoslav Dissidents and the Cold War". Sociologija 51: 113-136. doi: 10.29362/IST20VEKA.2017.1.CVE.125-147.

C.A.D.D.Y. Bulletin No. 28., 1985.

Cvetković Srđan and Dragomir Bondžić. 2017. "Oblici studentskog otpora komunističkom režimu u Srbiji 1945-1990". Istorija 20. veka: 125-147. doi: 10.29362/IST20VEKA.2017.1.CVE.125-147.

Dragović-Soso, Jasna. 2002. 'Saviours of the Nation'. Serbia's Intellectual Opposition and the Revival of Nationalism. London: Hurst and Co.

Fitzpatrick, Catherine eds. 1981. C.A.D.D.Y. Bulletin No. 8.

Kljakić, Slobodan. 2015. "Disidenti svih naroda, ujedinite se" [Dissidents of all peoples, unite]. Politika, November 30. Accessed December 11, 2018.

Cvetković , Srđan, interview by Nießer, Jacqueline, October 25, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-01-07 13:58:30