Artpool Sound and Video Archive
Budapest, Szabolcs utca 33
Näita asukohta
- Hispaania
- Inglise
- Itaalia
- Prantsuse
- Saksa
- Ungari
Kogu nimetus
- Sound and Video Archive in the Artpool Art Research Center
Asutajate tegevused
Sisu kirjeldus
- artefaktid: 100-499
- fotod: 1000-
- muusikasalvestused: 1000-
- mälestusesemed (posterid, flaierid, margid, jne.): 1000-
- publikatsioonid: 1000-
- video-salvestused: 1000-
Kogu geograafiline ulatus
- rahvusvaheline
- 1979
Asutamise koht
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 68/b.
Näita asukohta
Sisu autorid
Tähtsad sündmused
- Budapest-Vienna-Berlin telephone concert
- „Miért nem danoltok? – Maria Fesztivál
- The Danube Connection
- 26th International Polyphonix Festival Budapest
- Klipzensored. Rock music in Film, Television, Music clips. Media censorship in Hungary, GDR and post-1990 Germany. Exhibition
- Approaches to Counter-Cultural Movements in East-Central Europe, 1960-1990
- Performing Revolution in Central and Eastern Europe
- Notes from the Underground exhibition
- Rock/Tér/Idő [Rock/Space/Time] exhibition at the Museum Ludwig Budapest
- “Warsaw Punk Pakt” Punk in Ost-Europa exhibition
- “YOU’VE GOT 1243 UNREAD MESSAGES. The Last Generation Before the Internet”. Their Lives
- kasutamine kokkuleppel
Lehekülje autorid
- Szirmai, Anna
viidete nimekiri
Klaniczay Júlia – Sasvári Edit (eds.). Törvénytelen avantgárd. Galántai György balatonboglári kápolnaműterme [Illegal Avantgarde. The Chapel Studio of György Galántai in Balatonboglár 1970–1973] Budapest: Artpool-Balassi, 2003.
Galántai, György – Klaniczay, Julia (eds.). ARTPOOL – The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe. History of an active archive for producing, networking, curating, and researching art since 1970, Budapest: Artpool, 2013.
Lander, Dan – Micah Lexier (eds.). Sound by Artists, Toronto: Art Metropole,– Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1990, pp. 97-108.
Kostelanetz, Richard. Text-Sound-Texts, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1980.
Rieder, Gábor (ed.). Pokoli aranykor – New wave koncertplakátok a '80-as évekből [Infernal Golden Age - New Wave Concert Posters from the '80s], Budapest: Kieselbach Galéria, 2017.