filtrid ˆ

Foreign Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti

The Libri Prohibiti’s collection of foreign exile monographs and periodicals contains Slovak, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian exile literature.



  • Poola
  • Slovaki
  • Ukraina
  • Vene

Kogu nimetus

  • Foreign Exile Monographs and Periodicals

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus

  • The Libri Prohibiti’s collection of Foreign exile monographs and periodicals includes over 970 library units of Slovak exile monographs and 60 periodical titles; 590 volumes of monographs of the Russian and Ukrainian exile from 1920 to 1990, along with 30 magazine titles. It also contains several dozen titles of Polish exile periodicals and about a hundred Polish monographs.


  • publikatsioonid: 1000-

Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • rahvusvaheline


  • 1991

Asutamise koht


  • avalikkusele täiesti avatud


Lehekülje autorid

  • Kůželová, Michaela

viidete nimekiri

Gruntorád, Jiří. 2002. “Libri prohibiti – poučné ohlédnutí za neradostnou minulostí.“ Dějiny a současnost 24, No. 5: 41–43.

Český rozhlas. 2014. “Libri prohibiti.” Last modified October 8.

Libri Prohibiti. 2017. “Annual Report 2016.” Accessed May 15.

Gruntorád, Jiří. 2014. “Vznik knihovny Libri prohibiti.” Last modified December 5.

Libri Prohibiti. 2017. Accessed February 24.

Gruntorád, Jiří , interview by Kůželová, Michaela, February 01, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-17 23:26:32