filtrid ˆ

Miroslav Brandt Papers

Folder from the Miroslav Brandt Papers at the National and University Library in Zagreb

The Miroslav Brandt Papers are deposited at the Collection of Old books and Manuscripts at the National and University Library in Zagreb. It reveals cultural-oppositional activities of Croatian historian Miroslav Brandt, who became one of the consistent critics of Yugoslav regime and its ideology after ending his membership in the League of Communists of Croatia and participating in the Croatian Spring (1967-1971).



  • Horvaadi
  • Prantsuse
  • Saksa

Kogu nimetus

  • Miroslav Brandt Papers

Asutajate tegevused

Sisu kirjeldus


  • käsikirjad (ego-dokumendid, päevikud, märkmed, kirjad, kavandid, jne.): 1000-
  • publikatsioonid: 1000-

Kogu geograafiline ulatus

  • riiklik



  • 1939

Asutamise koht

Sisu autorid


  • avalikkusele täiesti avatud

Lehekülje autorid

  • Kljaić, Stipe

viidete nimekiri

1)      Kljaić, Stipe. 2017. Intervju s Galić Bešker, Irena. 26. ožujka 2018.


2)      Pavličević, Dragutin. 1994. „Prof. dr. Miroslav Brandt: uz osamdesetu godišnjicu života“(Prof. Brandt: 80th Anniversary of Life), u: Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, (27) 1994, 1.


3)      Brandt, Miroslav. Život sa suvremenicima: političke uspomene i svjetonazor, (Life with Contemporaries: political memoirs and Worldview), Zagreb: Naklada Pavičić, 1996.


4)      Brandt, Miroslav. Triptih, (Triptich), Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice Hrvatske, 1992.


5)      Brandt, Miroslav et alt., Deklaracija o nazivu i položaju hrvatskog književnog jezika, (Declaration on the Status and Name of Croatian Literary Language), Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1997.

Bešker, Irena Galić, interview by Kljaić, Stipe , March 26, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-26 13:59:54