filtrid ˆ

Resolution of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Moldavian SSR concerning Viktor Koval’s petition (in Russian). October 1988

First page of the Resolution of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Moldavian SSR concerning Viktor Koval’s petition



  • Vene

Loomise kuupäevad

  • 1988


  • Source: Archive of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova

    Photo by Igor Cașu

Lehekülje autorid

  • Cusco, Andrei

viidete nimekiri

Cașu, Igor. 2012. ”Reeducare” prin tratament psihiatric” (Re-education through forced psychiatric treatment). Adevă, 23 February. Accessed March 29, 2018. 

Cașu, Igor , interview by Cușco, Andrei, March 22, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-01-22 17:32:16